The essay should provide the state-of-the-art of the literature on one of the above topics, based on relevant academic journal articles. Students should identify and analyse all relevant articles for the topic chosen in a minimum of 2 ABS listed journals for a time frame at least since 2011 onwards. The recommended structure is:
II. MAIN BODY This section should include:
a. A systematic description of the method used for selecting the journals and articles analysed (Students should provide information regarding: the database used for identifying the relevant academic journals and articles; the exact name of the journals under study; the specific time frame of the review (e.g. 2011 – 2016); the keywords used for searching in the journals in order to identify the relevant articles; the number of articles included in the analysis;
b. A critical review of the content of the articles analysed (aim & objectives; theoretical background; sample characteristics; data analysis; findings).
III. CONCLUSIONS This section should also include implications for entrepreneurs, limitations and future research directions.

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