I worked in a company that had to experience a major change initiative. The manager had to lay off some of the company staff where I worked. This was as a result of several factors that contributed to making the management conclude that it would be better for the time being, to lay off some staff so as to reduce the huge financial burden that was being experienced. The company at the time was making losses and it was proving difficult to pay all the staff and remain with enough money to run it hence the reason to let go some of the employees.

The management also had an ethical dilemma as to who to let go and who to retain. (Bolman L.G & Deal T.E, 2013) Do we lay off the oldest, the youngest, the least qualified, those with or without the modern technological know-how and even if they did lay off some of the workers, how could they tell whether they made the right choice?

The retained staff had to get more tasks assigned to them, and there were complaints of being overworked and getting the same salary as they were paid before. The company merged some departments hence the extra tasks assigned to the remaining staff. The main goal of the company was to make some profits which would allow the business to expand its activities and also its geographical coverage.

After the layoffs, some few gains were realized which allowed the company to diversify its products and services, although there was staff shortage and some had to be employed the old employees willing to come back, were given the opportunity to do so. They were not assigned their previous duties, but new duties alongside the new employees. The company has since started making a few gains especially in the area of production, which is expected to continue.

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