Kandy Vibe’s Company Overview and SWOT Analysis

Kandy Vibe’s Overview

The Rejuvenation Juice drink is a non-alcoholic beverage (NAB) made of whole-grain barley and oats without removing the hulls of the grains and processed with milk and accepted preservatives with added peppermint, lemon and lavender. It is important to note that our NAB does not have a yeast element (since yeast is the ingredient that turns barley sugars into alcohol). We then pack it into bottles of different sizes with affordable prices for the average lactating mother.

Our mission statement is to produce a locally accessible, safe, and efficient non-alcoholic beverage for breastfeeding mothers who cannot naturally produce enough milk for their babies. The rationale behind the components of this statement is that our main focus is to be customer-centered. We want to produce a NAB that considers the interests of the mother before our interests in profits and sales as the producing company. According to Suhag and Singh (2017) functional drinks are non-alcoholic beverages which are produced to boost human performances and their production has been increasing at a growth rate ranging from 2.5% and above since 2003 to date. This figure encourages us to get into the NAB business because they depict that the demand for functional beverages such a The Rejuvenation Juice in the lactating drink in the global market increases every year.

Reframing the market is the strategic position that The Kandy Vibe would want to maintain to be competitively advantaged in the market. Willis (2017) suggests that when the organization wants to restructure the practices of the market in that field, it changes significant constructs of the business through addressing the unsatisfied customer needs, or significantly adjusting the prices, among others. Our organization aims to approach and implement this position by producing a beverage that is the highest in nutrients compared to market leaders’ beverages in this field, but sell it at affordable prices. Since we are producing our grains in a 40-acre piece of land, we have our transportation means and personal machinery for the job, the cost of production will be cheaper for us after about six months into the business.

Hence, we will be in a position to produce more high-quality barley and oats, process them into the beverage, transport it to our biggest distributors, sell it at affordable prices, and get the expected profits. Our distribution channels of the beverage where the end-users can access it will be baby and mother shops, local stores, and supermarkets. The logic behind choosing these distribution channels is because they are the most common places where our target consumers go for their shopping, especially for breastfeeding related items. With time, we will also have social media platforms for The Kandy Vibe, where our customers and resellers can access our products all over the world once we find a company that has time and cost-efficient shipping policies.

Some of the business risks that the company faces are unpredictable tax increment for beverage companies, environmentalists who critique the use of plastic bottles, as describes by Kregiel (2015), and natural disasters such as wildfires. We plan on mitigating these risks and others by forming a crisis prevention and management team that will work closely with policymakers, implementers, and geographical departments both at the national and local level. Moreover, we will indicate proper disposal methods of plastic on our bottles, as recommended by the Federal Environmental Department.

Having given an overview of our company, next, I will conduct a SWOT analysis of our company. The key strengths of our company are the low cost of production of the beverage, which guarantees a high estimate of overall profits and that we have managers who have worked in top NAB producing companies such as Coca-Cola and Pepsi. Unfortunately, the biggest weakness of our organization is that some team members, especially in the marketing department, seem dissatisfied with their job and their turn-over rate is increasing at an alarming rate.

Luckily some of our greatest opportunities are that our consumers agree that our beverage is more affordable compared to other beverages that boost breast milk. Also, most of them say that our beverage helps them to relax. Besides, some of the top market leaders do not have their drinks in small quantities that can be used by mothers who want to test the beverage before using it consistently. For example, the smallest cup of Starbucks’s Pink Drink, a breast milk booster, is 500Ml, and in my view, it may be too much for a mother who wants to test this drink before being a committed user. The least of our bottles is 250Ml that can be used by mothers who want to test the beverage before buying it regularly. Sadly, the greatest threat of our company is that there are top market leaders in this field who control large local and global markets such as the Starbucks Coffee Company, who’s Pink Drink is a renowned NAB that lactating mothers use to boost their milk production.

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