The idea of the public sphere as an open, inclusive and ethical space to build ideas and form political consensus through rational debate is nothing more than a fantasy in the digital age. If anything, an over-abundance of persuasive communication and opinionated commentary makes real political change or solidarity impossible.Respond to this statement and argue your position “The idea of the public sphere as an open, inclusive and ethical space to build ideas and form political consensus through rational debate is nothing more than a fantasy in the digital age. If anything, an over-abundance of persuasive communication and opinionated commentary makes real political change or solidarity impossible.”
Respond to this statement and argue your position by referring to 1-3 examples from one or more of the case studies and 1-3 relevant theories and concepts from the Study Guide and the Reading List topics 8 -10 to support your position.
Your essay must include a clear scholarly contention in relation to the statement and a critical analysis that leads to an integrated evidence-based conclusion. Access the AT3 FAQs for more information.
Word limit: 1,600 words (+/- 10%)
Weighting: 40% of unit mark
Due date: Friday, 27 May,. 2022, 8.00pm
Submission: CloudDeakin > Assessment > Assignments > Essay 2
• Write out the question at the top of the first page
• Write your name/student number in the document footer
• Use the Harvard referencing style
• Insert page numbers
• Use 2.5 cm document margins
• Use 1.5 or 2 line spacing
• Use 10 or 12 point font (Arial or Times Roman)
Marking criteria
• Response to the question using relevant unit content
• Essay structure and organisation
• Evidence of research (including correct referencing)
• Depth and quality of argument; application of theory and concepts discussed in this unit
• Editing and written expression

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