

The project requires you to work in groups, each group consisting of approximately 2 or 3 students. Please confirm your group composition and the topic of your selection with your lecturer.

Sub Task Marks


Research 1-2 commonly used Software Tools that support corporate decision-making through modelling and analysis. Describe the growth of such tools in the past decade. You can use graphs, tables, case studies, as you deem fit, to present your case(s). 2.5
List and briefly illustrate at least 2 features of commonly used Software Tools that support decision-making. Decision making can include – statistical decision making and quality control, forecasting, simulation, inventory management, project management or any other area(s) of interest to you. 2.5
Professionally presented and referenced report, in your own words, as a PowerPoint with voice added to each slide. 2.5
Individual reflection on the group process, outlining team formation, communication, task allocaion, peer review and conflict management. 2.5


Making presentations and working in teams are important professional skills. As a graduate accountant with a Master’s degree you are expected to be able to justify and communicate accounting advice and ideas in diverse collaborative contexts. In doing this assessment you are developing and demonstrating some of these skills.

Guidance for effective collaborative work is available in Resources.

Your report should be professionally presented, in your own words, as a PowerPoint with voice added to each slide. The voice addition that you make is your presentation to the business clients. It should not simply repeat what you have on the slides. Your presentation (5-7 slides not counting the slides with references) needs to sell what you have researched.

Your research should include at least 3 references, suchas the professional body articles as well as text books and peer-reviewed academic journals. Vendor websites are not appropriate sources of information for this task. Use appropriate referencing in your report.

Here are some resources you can use to help you prepare the best presentation. Only one team member need submit the PowerPoint presentation but each team member must submit a 250 word individual reflection on the team process.
http://www.slideshare.net/damonnofar/8-tips-for-slideshare has few suggestions for the slides.
You may choose how you want to work as a group. Some suggestions are to use one or a mixture of

Skype, Face time, Google Docs – there are many more. Initial information on how to use these can be found by doing an online search – see some suggestions below:






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This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:

  • be able to demonstrate problem-solving skills in assessing, organising, summarising and interpreting relevant data for decision making purposes.
  • be able to apply decision theory to business situations.

The task also provides the opportunity for students to work cooperatively in groups and to communicate the results of their research.

Marking criteria and standards

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Criteria High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass
Demonstrate problem solving skills in building criteria, assessing, organising and summarising and interpreting relevant data for decision making purposes. Group has generated a range of innovative information criteria.



high-level research skills working in a highly-motivated group to find and generate needed information.



high-level analysis skills to identify additional information needed.

Group has generated some meaningful information criteria.


Demonstrate reasonably high-level research skills working in a mostly motivated group to find and generate needed information.


Demonstrate reasonably high-level analysis skills to identify additional information needed.

Group has generated some appropriate information criteria.


Demonstrate reasonably competent research skills working in a somewhat motivated group to find and generate needed information.


Demonstrate reasonably competent analysis skills to

identify additional information needed.

Group has generated some information criteria.



average-level research skills working in a group to find and generate needed information.



average-level analysis skills to identify additional information needed.

Ability to articulate key performance criteria of successful teams and evaluate group performance accordingly. The individual can articulate the key performance criteria of successful teams and evaluate the team performance accordingly. The individual can state most of the key performance criteria of successful teams and draw related connections to the group performance. The individual can state some of the key performance criteria of successful teams and draw related connections to the group performance. The individual can state some of the key performance criteria of successful teams and draw at least one connection to the group performance.
Professional communication in the form of a Power point presentation with voice which follows good presentation practice. Appropriate resources and referencing. Excellent group participation and communication of the research findings demonstrating scholarly understanding of the issues involved via knowledgeable and engaging Power Point presentation.


A wide range of resources used and referenced.

Good group participation and communication of the research findings demonstrating a reasonable understanding of the issues involved via informative and engaging Power Point presentation.


A number of resources used and referenced.

Fair group participation and communication of the research findings demonstrating some understanding of the issues

involved via average Power Point presentation.


One or more resources used, not all resources referenced.

Some group participation and communication of the research findings demonstrating lower level understanding of the issues involved via weaker Power Point presentation to other students in lecture group.


One resource used.



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See task



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