option #1: The Estimating Problem—Essay

Based on your review and analysis of the “The Estimating Problem” case study (Kerzner, 2017, pp. 499-500), write an essay that addresses the following key elements:

  • Develop a clear and concise synopsis of the case study.
  • Explain how the identified problem affects the project’s schedule, cost, and scope.
  • In your own words, with cited support from scholarly resources, clearly and concisely define the construct of the schedule’s critical path. Describe how the identified problem may affect the schedule’s critical path.
  • Assess whether the estimating method used was appropriate. If so, what would cause the results to be questionable? If not, what estimating method would you recommend? Substantively justify your response using cited scholarly references.
  • Assess the pros and cons of the extant estimating process; what, if any, changes would you recommend? Substantively justify your response including scholarly supporting references. (Please note that extant estimating is not a term of art in project management. You need to identify the extant (i.e., existing) estimating process in the organization referenced in the case study. By doing this, you will specify the current state-of-project-management in the area of estimating)

Additional Instructions
Properly organize your writing by including the following:

  • Cover page
  • Introduction
  • Body of your work in response to the assignment’s key elements, with headings and subheadings
  • Conclusion
  • List of references
  • Appendices (as applicable).

The introduction through conclusion sections of your essay should be approximately 4pages


BOOK : Project Management                                                                                                                      A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling
Harold Kerzner

  • attachment


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