The Case of “We Can’t Get No Satisfaction”

The board of directors at a large corporation recently hired a new President, and, after a few weeks, the corporation’s administration felt they should survey the management staff to see if they were satisfied with their choice. Based on the results, managers seemed happy, leaving the administration feeling they had found exactly the right person for the job. After three months, however, the complaints starting piling in—something was going seriously wrong, management seemed very upset! Based on that, the members of the management team were asked to complete the same satisfaction survey again. To the board of director’s dismay, the management’s satisfaction was lower; the question is, however, was it significantly lower?

1. What is the hypothesis the board of directors is stating?

2. What is the independent variable and its levels?

3. What is the dependent variable?

4. Based on Figures 8.25 and 8.26, what should the board of directors do?


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