The assessment must be based on a work place in Australian (Not overseas) except for international company, like Apple, Samsung, McDonald and or a coffee shop well known in Australia.
Or you can choose you work place if this operate in Australia.
It is expected that you will be writing a business report on compliance within your/a work place in Australia (this may even be commissioned project by a supervisor).
Once you have identified the compliance components (law/standards & rules) relating to your particular organisation chosen. You will be expected to focus on one particular audit and analyse and finish your report on the identification of; impact of & overall requirements (for compliance) for the organisation.
Note: you would be advice to pick a smaller standard or rule as time constraints preclude the selection of a major compliance standard rooted in a large piece of legislation.
- PART 1 – Describe your business and backing legislation.
- Describe your business (size & scope).
- Identify the relevant Australia and international standards that apply to your business.
- Identify one (there may be several) the base (or root) legislation relating to your business.
- Clarify the purpose and range of the overall compliance requirement (rules & regulations) relating to your business of the selected base legislation (in C)
- Determine the Government authority for the compliance purpose.
- Identify relevant personnel (internal and external) of your organization that are in charge of compliance matters.
- Clarify the implications of non-compliance with the selected standard or rues purposed (penalties).
- Specify at least 5 of the accountabilities within the organization with regards to compliance with this standard.
- Identify current compliance related management information systems.
- PART 2 – Prepare the development plan.
- Identify suitable project processes you will use in the creation of your plan.
- Identify and relevant stakeholders who have an interest in the proposed compliance requirements (rules and regulations).
- You must provide at least 2 pieces of evidence to improve your consultation.
- Prepare the plan for the purposed standard/rule you have chosen (rules & regulations). The plan should include:
- Liaison procedures with relevant internal and external personnel on compliance matters.
- Breach management policies and processes i.e. non – compliance including:
- Identification,
- Classification,
- Investigation,
- Rectification and reporting of breaches/non-compliance in compliance requirements (rules & regulation)
- Provide a summary of induction and training processes for new staff
- Summaries you suggested Continuous improvement processes for compliance (monitoring, evaluation and review) (100 words).
- Explain approval processes of the plan from the relevant internal and external personnel.
- PART 3 – Consult about your plan with relevant stakeholders.
- Identify relevant internal and external stakeholders – people who have a vested interest.
- Demonstrate consultation with these stakeholders (evidence required).
- Interpret analyze and organize outcomes from consultations with stakeholders.
- Summaries your findings and draft your recommendations on compliance requirements.
- PART 4 – Prepare the initial draft report on the purposed compliance recommendations.
Include information on findings, issues and recommend requirements identified through the consultation processes.
- Submit your draft report to your assessor / educator (for sign off; before full submission of your assessment).
- Write a 50 word summary on the feedback you receive
- PART 5 – Edit and document recommended changes to your draft.
- Edit the draft compliance requirement (identify this with a VERSION 2 on your document).
- Format and proofread.