Site name: The American Gaming Association
Background information: The American Gaming Association (AGA) represents the commercial casino entertainment industry by addressing federal legislative and regulatory issues affecting its members and their employees and customers, such as federal taxation, regulatory issues, and travel and tourism matters.
a. Browse the Web site and find the page with gaming fact sheets. Review the variety of fact sheets available and choose at least three categories to review.
i. What information is contained on these fact sheets? Is the information backed
up by research or is it opinions presented by the association?
ii. What statistical information is included on these fact sheets? How would this information be helpful to groups who would like their state legislature to approve gaming in their state?
b. What is the code of conduct for responsible gaming and what are the major elements of this code?
c. Review “The AGA Survey of Casino Entertainment” for the most recent year. What information is contained in this document? How would this information be helpful to managers in the gaming industry?