Your objective is to produce 4-page APA-formatted advice letter to your future professional Self using the concepts in this course, insights about yourself you encountered while working on assignments, and other information you obtained while participating in this course.

Step 1. Look back at the course and everything you learned, created, and figured out while working on assignments and discussion questions. Make a short list of the most important things and ideas you learned about yourself and the topics of the course.

Step 2. Think about your future—envision where you will be working, living, and thriving. Do you see yourself using writings skills in your dream job or as part of your professional endeavours? Write down and sketch your vision of your future such that the description and sketch capture the essence of your vision.

Step 3. This step requires you to match the short list of important things and ideas (from Step 1) to the vision of your future (from Step 2). Place the vision and list, side-by-side, and ask yourself:

· What do I need to remember from this course to help me build the future I’ve envisioned?

· What can I do to ensure my skills transfer from school to what I really want to do, in life?

· How do I foresee the skills I learned, in this course, contributing to my performance in my dream job or professional endeavours?

Take notes on your thoughts regarding the above questions.

Step 4. Using everything from Steps 1-3, create a 4-page APA-formatted advice letter to your future professional Self. The letter should aim to provide advice helping your future professional Self.

You may want to contain the following movements in your advice letter:

Movement 1. Open with a paragraph demonstrating empathy for your future Self trying to find their way in a multifaceted personal and professional world.

Movement 2. Follow with a personal offering showing you understand the problems your future Self will face and that you have been preparing to meet such challenges.

Movement 3. Offer advice, using what you’ve gathered during Steps 1-3.

Movement 4. Close with a supportive note; realizing your current and future Selves are a team helping build a share and happier future.

Week 6's Assignment

Your goal will be to create a reflective, thoughtful, and candid advice letter to your future Self using what you learned during the course.

  • Posted: a month ago
  • Due: 10/11/2019
  • Budget: $25

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