Order instructions

A paper will be due at the end of the semester that focuses on a particular aspect of technology and government. You might consider technology applications (or plans) in a governmental department, office, or nonprofit organization. This paper should be between 10 and 14 pages (not counting a cover sheet) and the topic will be of your choosing. Oral presentations (6-8 mins.) will be required and presented by each student, individually, during the last class of the semester. I will review general requirements in class.

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Your assignment is to read one of these books, identify in it three (3) themes that have been prominent in this course, and discuss how the source you have chosen casts light on the themes you have identified. Sample themes are: the organization of upper-class society, the lives of peasants, the new piety (how to be a good Christian), development of the cult of the Virgin, church reform, the revival of thought, the growth of schools, the rise of towns, opportunities open to and constraints on women, opportunities open to and constraints on men, attitudes towards the Jews. Note four things. First, this list is by no means exhaustive. It is perfectly fine for you to identify and discuss one or more themes which I have not listed. Second, not all themes will be found in each of the three works. Third, if you have any question about whether it would sensible for you to address a particular theme on the basis of a particular work, by all means come talk to me. Fourth, do not choose as one of your themes the psychology of the author(s): the temptation to analyze the relationship between Abelard and Heloise or that between Guibert and his mother is great, but the effort is profitless

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