Summarize (in at least 300-350 words) the two or three most striking things you have learned in Weeks 1 through 5 regarding the definition of art and its impact on black thought and culture and the human spirit, grounding your discussion of your new awareness in ideas learned from the course text. Also, address how each new awareness about art, black thought and culture, and the human spirit has affected your daily life. Be specific.

In your report, make specific reference (along with MLA in-text citations that include both the last name of the author and the number of the page) to at least 3 different authors spanning the time frame covered in our first two units of study (so far from the 1700s until 1919)In determining the author of individual pieces collected in this anthology, keep in mind that Mullane is not the author of these selections of literature that she (as the editor) collected into the anthology that is our text book. If the author is not named, “anon.” would be noted as author. If you cite a specific reference from one of the general descriptions of the time periods, placed before the selections of literature that follow, then Mullane is the author.

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