Last week, you created a social history of the Syrian teen from the interactive learning community. After generating the social history, it is time to create goals to meet the needs of the client. All the goals necessary will likely need to be in conjunction with another agency.

For example, if a client came in that was homeless and had a drug addition, he might be looking for help in receiving treatment for his drug addition, trying to find a living arrangement, receiving basic needs such as food and clothing, and finding a job. Your particular agency might be able to provide food and clothing. However, another agency might provide permanent housing arrangements and job hunting services. You would likely recommend counseling or treatment plans with another agency, as well.

To Prepare

Review your Week 8 Assignment. You will use the information that you gained from the interview on what the interviewee wants to accomplish to form a “Client Service Plan.” Review this week’s assigned readings in the Summers text as a guide.

For this Assignment

Submit a client service plan from the social history data that you created last week. Use the handout located in this week’s Learning Resources.

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