For this assignment, you will be required to submit a case study to help you better understand the scope and scale of organizations participating in social media, particularly one that has utilized social or video releases. You should seek out and research a company’s efforts to utilize social or video news releases in their PR efforts. You can select a company you have direct access to or perhaps choose one of the companies with strong blogs mentioned in the text. You are to provide an analysis about the efforts and its success or failure for the company. Submit your analysis in a 1-2 page document up including a one-paragraph summary of the releases or campaign, the pros and cons of the organization’s decisions, and recommendations for the strategy moving forward.

Each assignment should be typed in Microsoft Word, 12-point Times New Roman font, double-spaced, and submitted online on the date it is due. Please use standard (1”) margins and double spacing. Place your name, assignment number, date, and course title in the upper left-hand corner of the first page for every assignment submitted. Submit the document to the assignment dropbox.

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