Report. The task for the second assignment includes a strategic analysis of a given company. Specifically, students are required to identify factors influencing the company strategy and evaluate the main issues and challenges.

Task guidelines and tips:

Please follow the following format and suggested wording per each section: Table of Contents

  1. Introduction (300 words) You need to identify to the marker the purpose of the report and information you will provide in your report.
  2. Overview of Company Strategy (300 words) Introduce the case study and discuss the company’s strategic goals. Their vision and mission statements need to be discussed in-depth in this section.
  3. Evaluation of Environmental Impacts (900 words) PESTEL analysis Porter’s 5 forces analysis
  4. Strategic Capabilities and Sources of Competitive Advantage (1000 words) The Value Chain analysis VRINO Analysis
  5. Issues and Challenges (500 words) Based on the analysis undertaken above, you may discuss and consider the SWOT analysis. Make sure to link the external analysis to OT and the internal analysis to SW.
  6. Conclusions and Recommendations (500 words) References (at least 10-15 references including books and academic peer reviewed articles)
  7. Appendices (optional) Please refer to the module Moodle site for more information

How to prepare for the (individual report): suggestions and recommendations

The second assignment for this course is an individual report. Your task is to analyse strategy of a given company – Reboot Systems. So how to analyse the case and what exactly to do? Here is a suggested action plan:

1) Understanding the task

According to the Module Handbook, your main task is to critically analyse the strategy adopted by Reboot Systems and provide suggestions for its future success. The report should have several sections:

  1. Introduction
  2. Overview of a company strategy
  3. Evaluation of environmental impacts
  4. Strategic capabilities and sources of competitive advantage
  5. Issues and challenges
  6. Conclusions and recommendations for future success

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