State the null and alternative hypotheses for each of the following situations. (That is,identify the correct number µ0 and write H0: µ = µ0 and the appropriate analogous expressionfor Ha.)a. The average time workers spent commuting to work in Verona five years ago was 38.2minutes. The Verona Chamber of Commerce asserts that the average is less now.b. The mean salary for all men in a certain profession is $58,291. A special interest group thinksthat the mean salary for women in the same profession is different.c. The accepted figure for the caffeine content of an 8-ounce cup of coffee is 133 mg. A dietitianbelieves that the average for coffee served in a local restaurants is higher.d. The average yield per acre for all types of corn in a recent year was 161.9 bushels. Aneconomist believes that the average yield per acre is different this year.e. An industry association asserts that the average age of all self-described fly fishermen is 42.8years. A sociologist suspects that it is higher.

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