1.Use a block diagram to explain the operating principle of a cross correlation flowmeter stating all the necessary equations in your answer.
2.Draw and label the basic zener barrier circuit.
3.Draw the equivalent circuit of the zener barrier circuit under fault conditions.
4.Define “maximum angle of acceptance” of a fibre cable.Use a suitable diagram to show the angle of acceptance for a beam being launched into a fibre cable.
5.If the refractive indices of core and cladding for a fibre cable are 1.65 and 1.50 respectively,find the maximum angle of acceptance for the cable.
6.Compare the 2 main types of optical detectors commonly used in optical measurement systems by explaining their practical advantages and disadvantages over each other.State a practical example of measurement where each is used.
7.Sketch and label a diagram showing the arrangement for a two-beam infrared gas analyzer.