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By reference to a sport of your choice, analyse the changes that have occurred in the way that it has sold its broadcasting rights over the last decade (or since its inception if more recent) and in the legal framework which has helped to shape those changes.


Broadcasting rights should include ‘traditional’ TV rights, as well as those for other media, such as mobile phones, internet etc.


Criteria for Assessment


Distinction (70- Merit (60-69) Pass (50-59) Pass (40-49) Fail (0-39)
Nature of topic(s) Identifies and Identifies and Identifies the Identifies the Fails to
and Introduction describes the describes the nature of topic(s) nature of topic(s) identify the
(10%) nature of topic(s) nature of topic(s) correctly with correctly with nature of topic(s)
critically and correctly and adequate some description correctly
thoroughly critically description




M03SEM Sports Legal Environment and Broadcasting RESIT Coursework 2016-7

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This document is for Coventry University students for their own use in completing their assessed work for this module and should not be passed to third parties or posted on any website. Any infringements of this rule should be reported to acreg.fbl@coventry.ac.uk


Has evidence Shows Demonstrates Presents some Shows limited
Use of the law and of reading on evidence of clear understanding of or no
literature (30%) relevant material accessing and understanding of theories, understanding of
beyond those reading on relevant theories, concepts and relevant law and
given in teaching relevant material concepts and issues literature
sessions or Refers to issues Refers to a Refers to
exercises adequate sources Refers to few sources limited or no
Refers Analyses some sources Describes sources
extensively to literature clearly Discusses literature with Describes
sources and critically literature limited critical literature with no
Evaluates thoroughly with analysis critical analysis
literature logically some critical
and critically analysis
Presents Has well- Has logical Demonstrates Has
Analysis, strong and critical reasoned and clear some arguments unsubstantiated
application of the analysis and arguments shown arguments shown in analysis and and invalid
law and discussion discussion well- in analysis and in analysis and discussion based analysis and
(40%) grounded in the discussion based discussion based on the law discussion based
law on the law on the law Shows basic on anecdotes and
Shows both Presents Demonstrates understanding of generalisations
depth and breadth appropriate clear the topic(s) Presents
of understanding understanding of understanding of limited or no
of the topic(s) the topic(s) the topic(s) understanding of
the topic(s)
Summarises Summarises Summarises Summarises Provides
Conclusion and the assignment the assignment the assignment the assignment limited or no
recommendations thoroughly and clearly and adequately briefly summary of the
(10%) critically critically Provides some Provides a few assignment
Provides Provides recommendations recommendations Presents
realistic and logical limited or no
feasible recommendations recommendations
Conveys all Delivers Conveys Conveys Provides
Academic rigour, information information content content vague content
presentation and clearly and clearly and consistently adequately with many errors
referencing (10%) completely with accurately with without without Presents
logical order sound structure misunderstanding misunderstanding limited or no
Displays Shows correct Displays Displays referencing with
excellent use of use of reference correct reference correct reference incorrect style
reference style style with minor style but a few style but some
errors inconsistencies inconsistencies
  • For a mark of 80+, the assignment should be of sufficient standard to demonstrate high degree of understanding and critical/analytical skills, where specified. Outstanding in all respects.

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