Order instructions
UML 2.0 provides the requirements engineer and design expert with the ability to perform use case development, requirements, and activity diagram accomplishment within the scope of the intended system behavior. Your project has transitioned from the use case development step to a stage requiring sequence diagram development. The customer paying for your product desires the development team to provide three sequences diagrams in UML 2.0 pasted into an MS Word document depicting how the system/software will exchange messaging (i.e., incoming and outgoing messages).

Provide the following in your assignment:

Precondition (identifies the condition that must be met before the sequence proceeds)
Identify 3 sequences with at least two life-lines per sequence (i.e., box with a dashed line descending from the center of the box). Place the life-line name in the box.
Provide incoming messages to the sequence (i.e., getAvailableReports; getSecurityClearance) and return messages (i.e., userClearance); there should at least 5 steps per sequence (steps can involve the action to receive, return, determine, log, store, etc.). Alternative sequences (ALT) blocks or optional sequences (OPT) blocks are not required.
Postcondition (identifies the change in the condition that will occur or will be true after the sequence is done)
Sequence should be at least 3 pages in MS Word.

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