Before attending tutorial 5, read the small case which is titled “Singapore Airlines (A): The India
Decision” (available on our course Blackboard site (–> “Learning Resources” –> “Harvard Business
Cases”)) and prepare an answer (1-2 pages) to the two case-study questions below. Submit the answer
to the designated folder on our course Blackboard site ( before your tutorial.
In addition, you need to bring a copy of your answer, in some form (an electronic or hard copy as long
as you can assess it) to the tutorial.
When the tutorial starts, you join your team to discuss individual answers to the two questions and
reach consensus. Then write down your team answer on a piece of paper provided by your tutor.
Finally, you need to elect a team representative to debrief your team answer and your tutor provides
verbal feedback on your team performance. The case-study questions that will be discussed during the
tutorial are as follows.
Case Study Questions:
1. Critically analyse if Singapore Airlines should enter the market.
2. If Singapore Airlines was to enter the market, how should they do it?
Case: Singapore Airlines (A): The India Decision (available on the Blackboard)
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