Task 1:
Q1. Server management with Linux commands.
Use the following commands on a Linux machine running any flavours of Linux (e.g., Ubuntu, Kali), and document the following for each command:
1. ifconfig
2. traceroute
For each command, document the following:
1. What the command is used for
2. Syntax of the command
3. A valid screenshot with appropriate figure number and caption showing how you explored the command on your Linux system.
Q2. You need to write a script that will do the followings –
1. Will display a menu as shown below –
Choose one of the followings –
1. Show My Student ID and Name
2. Find the divisors of an integer number
3. Exit
2. Based on the option chosen the script should do the followings
a. If option 1 is chosen, the script should echo your student id and name.
b. If option 2 is chosen, the script should ask for an integer number from the user and then it should find divisor of that number.
c. If option 3 is chosen, the script should exit the program and return to the terminal.