Logic Model

For this project, you will select one key supervisory responsibility (e.g., supervision of instructional personnel), develop a theory of change for accomplishing an explicit outcome within that area of responsibility (supported by appropriate empirical evidence and/or theoretical bases), and create a logic model depicting the proposed action plan and outcomes. There are other available descriptions and examples.

Examples of Logic Models: https://www.acf.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/fysb/prep-logic-model-ts.pdf


The resulting product should include narrative (2-3 pages) and graphic elements to communicate clearly and effectively. My assessment of the final product will consider (1) is the proposed change appropriately grounded in empirical and/or theoretical bases? and (2) is the proposed plan of action consistent with the underlying theories/research and reflect relevant factors? As noted above, there is considerable flexibility in how you present your results, and creativity/innovation will be recognized/acknowledged.

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