Select an existing company, possibly a publicly held company in order to find easily accessible information. Research the company and compile a SWOT analysis identifying a minimum of four elements under each of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Explain each element with an eye on how this affects the company overall. Once the table has been compiled, address the following questions: 1. How does this tool assist the marketing and management teams to solve problems within the company? 2. Based upon your research and this SWOT analysis, what recommendations would you make for the management team? Your APA-formatted submission must be a minimum of three pages (not including the title page and the reference page). The table may be single spaced. References must include a minimum of two credible sources.


template for this assignment.









Title of Paper

Student name

Columbia Southern University







·         Insert strengths in a bulleted list. Make sure to provide a brief explanation of how each element affects the company.



·         Insert weaknesses in a bulleted list. Make sure to provide a brief explanation of how each element affects the company.



·         Insert opportunities in a bulleted list. Make sure to provide a brief explanation of how each element affects the company.



·         Insert threats in a bulleted list. Make sure to provide a brief explanation of how each element affects the company.


You will begin your discussion of the SWOT analysis here. The length of your paper should be at least three pages not including the title and reference page. Be sure to address the questions listed in the assignment instructions as part of your response. Include references on a separate reference page.




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