1. AIDA, DAGMAR and the Hierarchy of Effects are all models of advertising. For each
model, find one campaign or advertisement to use to describe how the models would
be applied, and also any weakness in the model.
Please ensure that you use different campaigns or advertisements for each model.
2. Congratulations! You’ve been made overall campaign manager for the new Canberra
City to Tuggeranong Ultra Fast Tram (UFT). As a skilled advertiser you know the
importance of a good creative strategy in obtaining the attention of the target market.
Your first task is to select and describe a target market for this service, applying STP
theory, and providing this market with a suitably catchy segment name, *(eg such as
DINKS – Double Income No Kids or similar new label).
Your second task is to explain what creative strategy would you use to ensure that you
captured the attention and the minds of this target market.

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