Much of the security efforts of the past have been centered around prevention and protection. The increasing sophistication of cyber attacks have shown that no controls are 100% effective, and some compromises do occur. There is a rising realization that in addition to considering prevention and protection, controls that address detection and response are necessary to improve security posture. Please describe how situational awareness is a driver for detection and response controls.
Minimum APA formatting guidelines:
- 12-pt, Times New Roman font
- Double-spaced
- 1” margins on all sides
- Please provide a title page including your Name and Assignment name.
- Paraphrasing of content – Demonstrate that you understand the case by summarizing the case in your own words. Direct quotes should be used minimally.
- Reference Section (A separate page is recommended.) Please cite the source using APA formatting guidelines. If you need guidance or a refresher on this, please visit: (link is external) Be sure to include at least three (3) reputable sources.
- In-text citations – If you need additional guidance, please visit: