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Sports Administration and Planning
Discussion #3:
Sales vs. Marketing
Learning Objectives
 Reflect on what you feel is important in starting an event
 Analyze your characteristics and determine what you would be good at
 Explore both sides of the argument “Sales vs Marketing”
Due Dates
 Original discussion postings are due by July 27th at 11:59 PM (AZ time).
 Replies are due by July 30th at 11:59 PM (AZ time).
Assignment Overview
I realize we have not done the sales overview, but rest assured this is intentional as I want to see responses before we go into that lecture.
Tasks for Original Posting:
In your original post, I want you to identify your best characteristics as a leader and as a future sports industry leader. Then I want you to determine which you think you would be more suitable at doing, Sales vs Marketing, and why? Also determine which one you think is more important and why? Note: you may feel you are better at one but the other is more important, as long as you explain yourself.
Tasks for Replying:
Once you’ve submitted your original posting, you will browse the postings by your classmates and comment on some of them that you find interesting, or that you disagree with. Do this for at least two classmates.
Evaluation Criteria and Grading Rubric
Discussion participation will be evaluated on content (50%), interaction with others (30%), and mechanics (i.e., spelling, grammar, quantity, and timeliness) (20%). The grading rubric is as follows. Below average (80% or Less credit) Average (80~90% Credit) Above average (90~100% Credit)
Answers are incorrect or supported by little or no data/evidence. Shows no
Answers the question(s) but does not think beyond the obvious answer. Answers are supported by
Answers the question(s) fully and accurately. Answers are supported by ample, well-researched data/evidence.
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evidence of innovative thinking or applicability to professional practice.
some appropriate data/evidence. Shows some evidence of innovative thinking and applicability to professional practice.
Shows evidence of innovative thinking and applicability to professional practice.
Postings do not integrate other participants’ contributions or multiple viewpoints on the topic(s) discussed. No effort is made to elicit thoughtful reflections from classmates.
Postings show some attempts to integrate other participants’ contributions and multiple viewpoints on the topic(s) discussed. Some effort is made to elicit thoughtful reflections from classmates.
Postings fully integrate other participants’ contributions and multiple viewpoints on the topic(s) discussed. A very clear effort is made to elicit thoughtful reflections from classmates.
There are a significant number of spelling and grammatical errors. Organization of ideas is unclear and sources are not cited where appropriate. Communication is not professional and/or polished. Postings are not made in a timely manner and do not go beyond minimum requirements.
There are some spelling and grammatical errors but these are very minor problems. Organization of ideas is fairly clear and usually sources are cited where appropriate. Communication is fairly professional and polished. Postings are made in a timely manner, but do not go beyond minimum requirements.
No spelling and grammatical errors. Organization of ideas is clear and sources are cited where appropriate. Communication is very professional and polished. Postings are made in a timely manner and go beyond the minimum requirements.
Discussion Submission Instructions
When you are ready to complete the discussion activity, access the Table of Contents -> Learning Modules in the navigation bar on the left of the screen, access the correct week and select the title of the discussion forum in which you want to read or post a message.
 To post a message:
1. Click the Start a New Thread button on the discussion page.
2. Type subject and message (for this discussion, please use your first and last name as the subject).
 By default, Subscribe to this thread is selected. This allows you to receive notifications when someone replies to your post. If you do not wish to receive these notifications, uncheck this box.
 If you would like to include an attachment, click the Add attachments link. You can then Upload a file or Record Audio.
3. Click the Post button to post your message.
 To reply to posts:
1. Click the title of the discussion post you would like to reply to.
2. Click the Reply to Thread button.
 By default, Subscribe to this thread is selected. This allows you to receive notifications when someone replies to your post. If you do not wish to receive these notifications, uncheck this box.
 If you would like to include an attachment, click the Add attachments link. You can then Upload a file or Record Audio.
3. Click the Post button to post your message.
For further details, refer to the http://help.d2l.arizona.edu/student/composing-messages web page.
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General Tips for Effective Original Posts and Replies
An original post is the initial post you write in response to the prompt(s) in the discussion instructions. An effective original post:
 Addresses the requirements of the assignment.
 Presents substantive evidence from reliable sources to support its points.
 Stays on topic and is phrased clearly.
 Takes into account the evaluation criteria and/or discussion rubric for the assignment.
 Acknowledges and considers other points of view (when appropriate) in an objective, respectful manner.
 Is made in a timely manner so that others have the opportunity to respond to it and there is sufficient time for more in-depth follow ups.
 Sets the tone to initiate a dialogue by inviting responses. For example, you may ask for clarifications or additional information on concepts you are still unsure about or invite suggestions or other views.
An effective reply follows the same guidelines for original posts provided above. In addition, an effective reply:
 Is substantive. Instead of only stating “Good job” or “I agree,” take the time to explain why you agree or why you think the student, who posted the original post, did a good job.
 Refers to information from other posts in the discussion. By tying together information and viewpoints from other posts, you will help enrich the dialogue and foster your learning community.
 Is not always made to the same person or small group.

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