You are about to design a database for a new bank based on the ER- Diagram provided, you are required to do the following:

a) Map the ER-Diagram into a relational schema.

(Show links between PKs and FKs).

b)Write DDL / SQL commands to create all the relations in the schema.

c)Write DML commands that insert at least 2 records in each table.

d) Write a DML command that updates any value in any record you have added (only one DML is enough).

e) [1 Point] Write a DML Command that deletes one customer from the bank.

f) Write the following Select Statements:

1. Retrieve the customer name and the type of the loan.

2. Retrieve the customer name, social security number and account type.

3. Retrieve the account information along with the branch no and the branch address.

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