You currently work for a retail store that carries basic household goods, some groceries, and health and beauty products. The store is located in the small community (approximately 5,000 total residents) in which you live and is looking to expand its operations in some way.
For this assignment, you are required to develop a major project proposal to be undertaken by your employer. You may decide to expand your product offerings or open an additional store in an adjacent community, for example.
You may use figure 2.4A and B in chapter 2 of your textbook as a general outline of what your proposal should entail. Your project proposal must include the following components:
1. Project title
2. Project manager (yourself)
3. Problem definition or project rationale: Describe the problem or opportunity for improvement.
4. Goal definition: Describe the project goals.
5. Objective definition: Quantify the savings or benefits you expect from completing this project. How much will it cost (hours, materials, methods, equipment, etc.)? Estimate how long the project will take to complete.
6. Resources: Identify the resources necessary to complete the project.
7. Risk analysis: Identify the major risks associated with undertaking this project. How likely is it that these risks will occur? How will the project be impacted if these risks occur?
Refer to “The Retail Store” (PDF UPLOADED) for additional information about your organization.
APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected. (RUBRIC UPLOADED) (I ALSO UPLOADED FIGURE 2.4A and B in a word document)……..

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Import Tariffs, Quotas, and RestrictionsIn this module, we have outlined government policy toward import tariffs (taxes on imported goods as they enter a country), quotas (a limit on the quantity of a good that can be produced abroad and sold domestically), and restrictions (limitations on the quantity of goods imported/exported to a specific country). Trade can allow countries to use their national resources more efficiently, and it can allow industries and workers to be more productive. Trade may even allow countries to achieve higher living standards, and keep the cost of many everyday products low. Government regulation of trade has had a significant impact not only on global trade flows, but also on economic growth and prosperity. For this reason, it is useful to consider the main ways that governments have tended to regulate trade and, more recently, to deregulate it. For this discussion activity, respond to the following prompts: Research one item that is internationally traded and outline how this product flows from one country to the next. Are any tariffs, quotas, or restrictions on this product being traded? Has this product ever been under an embargo? If so, why? Is there a distinct government policy for this product’s trade? Please use in text citations when stating facts (i.e. Indonesia is the largest supplier of coconuts) Swalbe, (2010).

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