Analysis of social media use

Based on your experience and expertise with social media, read a selection of the following resources. Research and prepare a 300- to 500-word paper analyzing the use of social media in a specific incident or by a specific organization (your own or another with which you are familiar or that you would like to study). Please do not base your paper completely on the incidents included in the selected readings.


Intermediate to advanced:

Include reference citations in APA Style.

Part 2

Select one of the emergency types/scenarios below; the emergency has just occurred/is just identified. Based on our readings and your own critical thinking, list the types of information members of the public in the area will need during and about the incident. Note where timing of receipt of information is important. Explain how the information should be conveyed.

  • Major flood
  • Fire and explosion at a local manufacturing plant
  • Infectious disease outbreak in two local high schools
  • Explosive device detonates at county courthouse

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