Make sure and run a true statistical test on your variables…. Gamma’s, TOS, MOA, Pearson’s r… ANOVA’s … something to let me know you see WHY we make you take stats.   You have to know how to interpret those stats and that is easy.  For TOS or Tests of Significance – you simply state whether there is or is not a statistically significant relationship between the IV and DV and at what level (.05 or .01 etc).   If you have some issue with employing Pearson’s r…. Use the following correlations as guidelines.  Anything less than .20 would suggest a minimal or NO correlation between those variables selected.  .20- .40 shows there is weak to mild correlation with the selected variables.   .41- .65 – A strong correlation between those selected variables.  .65- .90… you have a very strong correlation and are getting close to TRUTH!  These regression stats like Pearsons r are much more powerful that TOS or MOA because they actually measure how STRONG or WEAK the relationship actually is.  Also remember that correlations may be negative or positive so if there is a    -.45 for example – that means there is an INVERSE relationship between the IV and DV.

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