- Step 1: Find Sources
In this phase, you will research information about each of your careers, an ethical issue and an emerging technology. You want to find out what a person in each career does but you also need to investigate criteria for each career that we will use for evaluation. For each career, you need to investigate the salary, education, hours, location and passion. You should be able to find information on all the criteria except passion. We are going to define passion as your desire to have this career. - Look up the criteria for each of your careers on the Bureau of Labor and Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook
- Look up the criteria for each of your careers on O*Net
- Look up the criteria for each of your careers on a site of your choice
- Find at least one site that identifies an ethical issue(s) for one of your careers
- Find at least one site that identifies an emerging technology(ies) for one of your careers
- Keep all (9 or more) URL’s in a Word document using the Word reference feature.
Step 2: Evaluate Sources
Read the information on this site which is the Evaluating Sources, Evaluating Websites section of the Research Tutorial. Look at your sources from Step 1 and see how they meet the five basic evaluation criteria. Replace those sources that might not be high quality.
Step 3: Create a Bibliography
Create a bibliography (reference page) using the Word references feature. Include each of your sources. Here’s the link from GCFLearnFree on How to create a bibliography or works cited page in Word. https://www.gcflearnfree.org/word-tips/how-to-create-a-bibliography-or-works-cited-page-in-word/1/
Managing your references will be much easier if you use the same computer; but if you plan to work in different locations, you will need to move your sources. Here is a link that explains how to move bibliography sources:
http://blogs.office.com/2010/09/29/move-bibliography-sources/Step 4: Create an Annotated Bibliography
You are required to use your sources as evidence in this research paper. You will need to synthesize what you have read and then write your paper. Read the GCFLearnFree.org tutorial Use Information Correctly, Putting Info Together. Create an annotated bibliography to force yourself to read each source and take notes on what information will be needed to support the facts in your paper (career salaries, ethical issue related to new technology, etc). See a sample annotated bibliography in Blackboard.
- sample.
APA Annotated Bibliography (Haddad)Source: Diana Hacker (Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2008).This paper follows the style guidelines in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association,6th ed.(2010).Arman HaddadProfessor AndrewsPsychology 10114 October XXXXPatterns of Gender-Related Differences in Online Communication: An Annotated BibliographyBruckman, A. S. (1993). Gender swapping on the Internet. Proceedings of INET ’93.Retrieved from http://www.cc.gatech.edu/elc/papers/bruckman/gender-swapping-bruckman.pdfIn this brief analysis, Bruckman investigates the perceptions of males and females in electronic environments.She argues that females (or those posing as females) receivean inordinate amount of unwanted sexual attention and offersof assistance from males. She also suggests that females (andsexually unthreatening males) are welcomed more willinglythan dominant males into virtual communities. She concludesthat behavior in electronic forums is an exaggerated reflectionof gender stereotypes in real-life communication. The article is interesting and accessible, but it is quite old, and it reliesalmost entirely on quotations from four anonymous forum participants.Crowston, C., & Kammerer, E. (1998). Communicative style and gender differences in computer-mediated communications. In B. Ebo (Ed.), Cyberghetto or cybertopia? Race, class, and gender on the Internet(pp. 185-203). Westport, CT:Praeger.This brief study examines how the dominant Gender and Online Communication 1Marginal annotations indicate APA-style formattingand effective writing.In APA style, eachentry begins at the left margin;subsequent linesindent 1⁄2″. The annotation begins on a new line and is indented 1⁄2″.Summary is followed by a shortevaluation of the source that notes its age andquestionable research technique.
Source: Diana Hacker (Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2008).communication style (masculine versus feminine) of an onlinediscussion group affects men’s and women’s desire to participate. The findings, while limited, provide evidence thatin fact bothwomen and men were less interested in joiningforums that were dominated by masculine-style language.These findings seem to contradict the pronounced gender inequality found in the other sources in this bibliography.Herring, S. C. (2003). Gender and power in on-line communication. In J. Holmes & M. Meyerhoff (Eds.), Thehandbook of language and gender(pp. 202-228). Oxford, England: Blackwell. Herring investigates empowerment opportunities forwomen online. She points out that, although more than halfof Web users in the United States are women, men continue to dominate technical roles such as network administrators,programmers, and Web masters. Even in anonymous onlinesettings, males tend to dominate discussions. And online“anonymity,” argues Herring, may not really be possible: Writing style and content give off cues about gender. Herring concludes that “the Internet provides opportunitiesfor both male and female users, but does not appear to alter societal gender stereotypes, nor has it (yet) redistributedpower at a fundamental level” (p. 219). The essay is well written and well researched, and it includes a long list of useful references.Herring, S. C. (1994, June 27). Gender differences in computer-mediated communication: Bringing familiar baggage to the Gender and Online Communication 2Haddad interpretsthe authors’ findings in relationto other sources inthe bibliography.A quotation fromthe author of thesource captures theessay’s main point.Annotations areroughly three to seven sentences long.
- Step 1: Criteria
Each class will set their own criteria and your instructor will post these into Blackboard under Phase 3. Most classes will use salary, education, passion, etc.; but you need to make sure you are using the exact criteria for your class. You will use the criteria to evaluate your careers. Class Criterias for Phase 3
All Students must use these criterias. See Below.
- Salary
- Education
- Experience
- Duties
- Security Clearance
- Advancement
- Work Schedule
Step 2: Evaluation Matrix
Create an evaluation matrix in Excel that will let you compare the 3 careers side by side on each criterion. Refer to the tutorial presentation about creating an evaluation matrix if needed. What should be in the matrix is the 3 careers, the criteria to be used, how you personally weigh each criterion. Divide 100 points among the criteria, with the highest number of points going to the criteria that is most important to you.
Evaluation Matrix Tutorial
Attached Files:Evaluation Matrix Example Criteria 17.pdf
(188.588 KB)
- Learn how an evaluation matrix is constructed. One of the most important parts is developing criteria that will be used in your evaluation. This presentation has some blank slides for you to practice coming up with criteria for various decisions (not the one that is the focus of your research project). Try coming up with your own criteria before looking at the completed presentation below.
Step 3: Rate Criteria
Based on your research, rate each career on each criterion (on a scale of 1 to 100). Again, refer to the presentation about creating an evaluation matrix if needed. After you have rated all 3 careers, create Excel formulas to calculate weighted scores using a mixed cell reference. This will enable you to see which career scored best with the raw scores and then which career scored best with the weighted scores.
Step 4: Create a Chart
Create an Excel chart worksheet. The chart may be the style of your choice. It must give good information about the data in your worksheet. Name each worksheet in the workbook appropriately. Submit your file with both worksheets into the Blackboard assignment for this phase.