“Avara” is one of the largest IoT solution providers in Australia, with more than 200,000 households.
The IoT architect of the company is planning to develop a new smart home solution called “eHome”.
The customers can easily connect to and control their homes through this application and control
window or door sensors, motion sensors, active plugs, and active lights. They would like to implement
the application using any of the IoT following platforms:
• Microsoft Azure IoT platform
• Amazon IoT platform
• Google IoT platform
A business challenge involved with this initiative is that they need a nation-wide home platform which
has high robustness and scalability. At the same time, the smart home industry is a fast-growing phase,
offering multiple heterogeneous devices to connect and control through the platform. The platform must
support protocols such as HTTP and MQTT. However, it is advantageous to support AMQP or
WebSockets, although it is not mandatory at this stage. The company currently has well-skilled
employees in developing applications in Java, NodeJS, .Net framework, and UWP. Hence, the technical
lead is prioritising the ability to develop the IoT application in those languages and SDKs.
On the other hand, the HR Manager is not happy to recruit any new IT developers for this project as the
current employers are underloaded. The business further aims at improving the customer experience
continuously. Hence the platform should support several data analytics services. However, most of
the developers are not experienced in IoT technologies, which makes it a necessity to have an easy
configuration in connections and analysis tools and strong theoretical documentation. The pricing of the
platform is also a concerning factor when selecting an IoT platform. Since the solution is intended to
support many devices, they prefer to pay for an IoT hub unit related to a number of devices and
messages per day. Various on-device certifications and private keys should ensure security to the data
in the chosen platform.
You are to present this research via a 500-word essay following the criteria provided below. The word
limit is indicated in each criterion.
• Research and discuss which IoT platform to use based on following criteria:
? Brief introduction about each platform
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? Protocol needs
? Application Development
o Infrastructure needs such as SDKs, languages
o Configurations
o Learnability
? Future directions such as scalability and data analytics
? Best pricing options
? Security options
? Conclusion
o Best IoT platform based on given business case
Submit your report in a single Microsoft Word document. Name the file xxx_cse3otx_Assessment
2.docx (where xxx is your student number).
On completion, submit the assessment via the CSE3OTX Assessment 2 Upload link on the student
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