The beneficial effects of having fun at work are relatively easy to see. What are some of the possible dysfunctional effects of such a culture?

Consider yourself as the subordinate in this class, with the instructor as your manager.

1. (Work individually). In the student–instructor relationship in this class, identify:

a. Your perception of your student roles

b. Your perception of the instructor’s roles

c. Your perception of the instructor’s perception of your roles as a student (At the same time, the instructor should be identifying his or her perception of the instructor’s roles, the instructor’s perception of the students’ roles, and the instructor’s perception of the students’ perceptions of his or her roles.)

2. Meeting in small groups of students, combine your ideas into collective statements of perceptions.

3. Report your group’s perceptions to the class on all three factors. Request that the instructor share his or her perceptions with the class.

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