Learning outcomes (to be assessed)

A Recognise the nature of the construction industry in the national and the international contexts, its economic impact, and global priorities and challenges.
B Assess roles and business objectives of construction clients and other project stakeholders and appraise their impact on the construction industry.
C Demonstrate a knowledge of the nature, processes, basic operational parameters and success factors of construction projects and the roles of Architectural Technologists, Quantity Surveyors, Building Surveyors and Construction Project Managers
D Formulate communication strategies, information management and evaluate the overall health and safety considerations of construction projects
E Investigate different roles and responsibilities and skills requirements of different professionals within the construction industry and identify your areas for improvements to succeed in your selected pathway (following the PDP process).

Project synopsis
The aim of this assessment is for you to understand the importance of the Global Construction Industry, how construction projects work, evaluate and understand the different roles, responsibilities and skills of the different stakeholders involved in the Global Construction Industry.

Project/Assessment requirements:
You are to produce a professional report of no more than 9,000 words detailing your knowledge and understanding of the global construction industry at the industry and project level; and the different roles and responsibilities of those that interact and work in the industry. It should use references where appropriate to support your thoughts and ideas.
Project/Assessment Task 1:
The professional report will attempt to address the following areas:
1. Describe the importance of the Construction Industry to the Global Economy
2. Identify the different types of clients that interact with the Construction Industry
3. Discuss how the construction industry affects global sustainability issues
4. Discuss how the construction industry can improve global disaster resilience

Project/Assessment Task 2:
The professional report will attempt to address the following areas:
1. Describe the typical make up of a construction project team
2. Identify the different project stakeholder and discuss their roles and responsibilities
3. Discuss the importance of information management and Health & Safety in the construction industry
4. Identify the role you would like to play in the construction industry and identify the requirements from the relevant professional institution you have chosen


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