As a project goes through the execution phase, project control is critical to ensure that a project stays within the constraints of time, cost, and scope. A project manager will use different monitoring techniques to help keep the project within these constraints. If a project incurs changes, becomes delayed, or costs become higher, a project manager will execute change control to document and determine how to handle the change.

Once a project is completed, the project team should complete a final project report, which is the administrative record of the completed project, which identifies all its functional and technical components as well as other important project history. It includes all the strengths and weaknesses of the project as it progressed and offers a final assessment of what went right (or wrong) throughout the life of the project. It is essentially a “lessons learned” document of the project.

Your assignment is to prepare a project report for your project using Microsoft Word, make up a fictious project of your choice and complete a project close report for that project, make assumptions as needed since your project is fictitious. The goal is just to get you to understand how a project close report is created and the type of information that you would include within it. Include the following sections/elements:

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