Assessment 3: Reflective essay
Word limit: 1500 words (+/- 10%) Weighting: 40%
Assessment overview
This assessment task requires you to write a reflective essay on the topic below, in 1500 words.
All references should be appropriately cited using Harvard or APA style.
Based on your experience in this course, discuss what you have learnt about
finding, using and evaluating online sources for academic communication.
Assessment details
Specifically address the following points:
 Discuss how your ideas of using online sources of information have developed during the course and provide examples to demonstrate.
 Discuss how the development of an informational resource, or your work in the discussion board, has helped you understand how to evaluate the credibility of online sources in an academic environment.
 Identify some of the advantages and limitations of working collaboratively in an online community and reflect on how you might exploit advantages and overcome the limitations.Use the literature to support your discussion. Please ensure that you address all of the criteria in
the rubric below.
Assessment criteria
1. Using online sources of information.
2. Evaluating the credibility of online sources.
3. Identifying advantages and limitations of working collaboratively online.
4. Demonstrated use of the literature to support your discussion.
5. Structure of essay including introduction, discussion of key points and conclusion.
6. Appropriate language and expression with attention to correct spelling and grammar.

I understand this Essay is based on my experiences in the course so if you need any further information regarding course topics or further details about what was studied please don’t hesitate to ask.
The unit overview is;
Unit learning outcomes (LOs)

After successfully completing this unit, you should be able to:

explore, use and evaluate various forms of social media as a vehicle for academic communication
identify, attribute and critically evaluate sources of knowledge in a dynamic online environment
work collaboratively with others to construct and publish knowledge in the online environment.
Key generic skills

You will be provided with feedback on your progress in attaining the following generic skills:

teamwork skills
analysis skills
problem solving skills
communications skills
ability to tackle unfamiliar problems
ability to work independently.

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