Reflect on Kant’s essay, “What is Enlightenment?” Kant views totalitarian rule, whether via the state or the church, as a hinderance to basic human dignity and need for freedom. Do you think that his view of the church as “a ball and chain” restricting freedom is still applicable? Or has religion in your experience embraced the ideals of the Enlightenment sufficiently as to no longer impinge upon freedom? For this assignment we will forgo formal written responses and discuss this purely, “Kant.” Everyone state their own position, giving concrete examples, and respond as you like.

</pclass=”msonormal”>NOTE! Do not include any references at all!!! Use “kant” file i attached and YOUR OWN WORDS ONLY!</pclass=”msonormal”>
</pclass=”msonormal”>Note: Your Reflection Should Be in 200 to 230 words.</pclass=”msonormal”>

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