1.Suggest ways of ensuring that the stationery store is well maintained and organized.(20 marks)

2.(a) Describe the principles of good record management.(10 marks)

(b) Explain the factors to be considered when formulating a record retention policy of an organization.(10 marks)

3.Briefly explain the following principles of good office organization:

(a) Communication.(5 marks)

(b) Clear lines of authority.(5 marks)

(c) Delegation of authority.(5 marks)









i) Write short notes about the following (5 marks each)
environmental activism
environmental literature
ii) Suppose you are an environmental advocate in Kenya and has identified poaching as an environmental problem threatening the realization of Vision 2030, explain five strategies that should be put in place to tackle the problem (15 marks)
Using relevant examples, discuss environmental advocacy roles played by national environmental lobby groups in Kenya. (20 marks)
a) Discuss how organizations can mainstream environmental reporting in their operations (20 marks)
b) Explain how the Global Environmental facility can apply any of the five principles of environmental extension in its mandate (10 marks)
Discuss five global environmental issues covered by the Kenyan media and describe how this coverage contributes to Kenyan development. (20 marks)
a) Identify and discuss exhaustively, any five forms of advocacy through which community development could be promoted. (10 marks)
b) Explain ways in which environmental health could improve through environmental activism (10 marks)







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