responsible for developing a new variant of a product, which will be an improvement of an existing one. In your first assignment, you have been tasked to prepare three houses of quality that will be linked to each other in the following order (also see Figure 1):

  1. Customer requirementsto Functional requirements (e.g., Engineering characteristics)
  2. Functional requirementsto Product design requirements (e.g., Part characteristics)
  3. Product design requirementsto Process design requirements (Manufacturing and assembly process selection)

You have to identify at least 10 customer requirements. For each of the four domains captured in the houses of quality (i.e., 1. Customer requirements, 2. Functional requirements, 3. Product design requirements, and 4. Process design requirements, state in your report:

  • How you have identified them.
  • How you have analysed and ranked them.
  • How you are going to justify the rationale behind the ranking.

In addition, only for the “Process Design Requirement” domain, you need report the manufacturing process selection of the main component of your selected product using CES Edupack Software.

The house of quality that you are going to develop should capture all the key elements shown in Figure 2.

To develop the houses of quality, you can either select an engineering product of your choice or from the list given below.

List of Products: Motorbike helmet, Mobile phone, Laptop, Tablet computer, Washing Machine, Vacuum cleaner, Coffee maker, Refrigerator, Microwave, Photocopier-Printer-Scanner.



  • You have to agree with the tutors if you would like to select a product not given in the list above.
  • No two students can select the same product



Each student has to submit a report in the format of a conference paper (The paper template will be available in the Moodle).


The report should contain:                                                                                          


  • A title and an abstract with 3 keywords
  • An Introduction about Quality Function

Deployment/House of Quality, aim and

objectives of the paper and the Structure of the paper

  • A survey of literature demonstrating the relevant research
  • Main body of the report including results and discussions

House of quality


  • Conclusions based on the results
  • References cited in the paper
  • Any material that cannot be accommodated in the main report should go in the Appendix (including any calculation)



  • The report length (excluding Appendix) should be between 8 to 10 pages (A4)
  • Strictly follow the instructions given in the paper template to write the report


Report Submission: Hardcopy to the tutors and Softcopy via Moodle Submission Box


Resources to consult:

  • Product specification from online catalogues
  • Research papers
  • Books
  • Case studies
  • Online Websites (


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