Read the case study “The Estimating Problem” on page 734 and then answer the questions on page 735.


Discussions will consist of 2 parts: Your initial posting on the subject, and responses to two students postings. Post your primary response by each Wednesday midnight. Respond to at least two (2) other postings by Sunday Midnight. The primary post should be at least 300 words in length. Your second postings can either answer another student’s question to your own post or be a comment to his or her original post. Secondary posts must be at least 150 words in length.

• All initial postings must have at least one citation or reference and it must be in APA format. Failure to have a reference or not having it in APA format will deduct 5 points.

• Word counts must be met. Each 10 words short will deduct 1 point from your total discussion score.

• If any part of your postings is copied and pasted you will receive no credit for the assignment, and no resubmission is possible.

• Late postings will receive reduced credit of 10% per day. After 10 days late no credit will be given.

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