Reflective Framework

This framework will enhance the quality of your reflections, the personal entries that you choose to elaborate on in your assessment, your thinking skills, your learning and your practice.

There are several different reflection models that can be used to guide the writing of your reflections. One of the most popular reflection models is the 5 R’s framework.

Reporting | Responding | Relating | Reasoning | Reconstructing


The table below provides exemplars that apply each of the Rs of the 5Rs Reflection Framework.

Steps Content of Exemplar

reflection Reporting What happened, what did I’ve been going to the lecture and tutorials for

the situation /issue 2 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander A brief descriptive involve? . It’s not what I was account of a expecting. situation/issue (i.e. the reflective trigger)

Responding Your observations, Concepts like ‘racism’ and ‘cultural safety’ Your emotional/ feelings, questions about promote ideas that are unknown to me, which the situation/ issue makes me feel that they are not real issues. As personal response to for ‘whiteness’ and ‘white privilege’, these are the situation issue etc. concepts that make me feel uncomfortable.


Relating Making connections I thought that this unit was about learning Personal and/or between the about the cultures of Aboriginal and Torres


situation/issue and your

Strait Islander peoples in order to help them theoretical

experience, skills,

better once I am a registered nurse. Instead understandings relevant to the situation/ issue knowledge and there is consistent emphasis on learning my



own culture. I didn’t think that my culture was an important factor to consider.

Reasoning Explaining the situation/ I hadn’t thought about how powerful the Your explanation of the issue in terms of the medical profession is in Australia and how significant factors, much their perspective influences nursing and situation/ issue relevant theory and/or what I will have to do at work (Willis & Elmer

experience 2011).

Reconstructing Your deeper level of Apparently my culture and that of biomedicine Drawing conclusions understanding about the and the health care system has strong impacts situation/issue that is on people’s health outcomes (Willis & Elmer and developing a future used to 2011). Importantly, Aboriginal and Torres action plan reframe/reconstruct your Strait Islander peoples are often

future practice and further disadvantaged by these due to the inherent develop your systemic/institutional racism (Sherwood & understanding of Geia, 2014). When I think about it I can see professional practice that the system is set up and benefits those who control it and have the most power within it.

Adapted from NSB102 Assignment 1 (Cox, 2017). Source of the 5 Rs: Bain, J.D., Ballantyne, R., Mills, C., and Lester, N. C., (2002). Reflecting on practice: Student teachers’ perspectives. Post Pressed, Flaxton, Qld.

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