You have received the following email:


I was talking to Georgia and she suggested that you are the person to talk to about Harmony Day. I know that it was back in March, but given the online working earlier in the year Dave has decided that we need to do something fun as we transition back to working in the building. So, Dave thought that we should have an international food day or something and use the concept of Harmony Day as the reason.

Can I get you to come up with one or two things we could do for this? Perhaps a bit of a plan of attack?




You then received this email from Georgia:


I am not happy about this whole Harmony Day idea. It is nothing but window dressing. Dave has no idea what he is thinking.

Can I get you to fix this? Whatever event you come up with needs to not be just another example of tokenism.

Warm Wishes,




You are responsible for putting together the Harmony Day celebration for Darcy Consulting, this years’ theme is Everyone Belongs.

You need to decide on one event, provide a rationale for this event

Put together a communication plan for the Harmony Day event.

Communication types to be included in the plan and as attachments are:

  • Promotional poster
  • Email to all staff explaining and promoting the event
  • Email to Georgia, Stu and Dave explaining the choice of event (the rationale for it)

In your plan you will need to:

  • Timeline the planning of the events
  • Timeline the communication
  • Identify key messages

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Problem Description The MNIST database of handwritten digits (from 0 to 9) has a training set of 55,000 examples, and a test set of 10,000 examples. The digits have been size-normalized and centered in a fixed-size image (28×28 pixels) with values from 0 to 1. You can use the following code with TensorFlow in Python to download the data. from keras.datasets import mnist (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = mnist.load_data() Every MNIST data point has two parts: an image of a handwritten digit and a corresponding label. We will call the images ? and the labels ?. Both the training set and test set contain ? and ?. Each image is 28 pixels by 28 pixels and can be flattened into a vector of 28×28 = 784 numbers. As mentioned, the corresponding labels in the MNIST are numbers between 0 and 9, describing which digit a given image is of. In this assignment, we regard the labels as one-hot vectors, i.e. 0 in most dimensions, and 1 in a single dimension. In this case, the ?-th digit will be represented as a vector which is 1 in the ? dimensions. For example, 3 would be [0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0]. The assignment aims to build NNs for classifying handwritten digits in the MNIST database, train it on the training set and test it on the test set. Please read the following comments and requirements very carefully before starting the assignment: 1. The assignment is based on the content of Labs. 2. In Lecture 1, we talked about the use of training set, validation set and test set in machine learning. In the assignment, you are asked to train the NN on the training set and test the NN on the test set, instead of doing the two steps on the same data set as what was done in Lab 5. You do NOT need the validation set in the assignment. 3. In the assignment, the performance of a NN is measured by the its prediction accuracy in classifying images from the test set, i.e. number of the correctly predicted images / number of the images in the test set. 4. You are asked to model THREE NNs by changing the architecture. For example, you may change the number of layers, use different type of layers, and try various activation layers. 5. You are encouraged to repeatedly train and test your NNs with different parameter setting, e.g. learning rate. 6. Your report MUST at least contain the following content a. Names and student numbers of all group members;

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