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Analyze the topics discussed in Chapter 1, with the exception of the laws. Select two topics and discuss two positive effects and two challenges the topic poses for human resource departments in the public sector.

2. “Fragile and Transitional States” Please respond to the following:
Build on your previous discussion answer about change strategies and performance measures, and analyze issues and / or needs associated with strengthening the competency-base of employees in meeting the needs of globalization.
Recommend at least two strategies the agency needs to adapt to meet those issues and / or needs effectively.

3. Diversity and Cultural Competency” Please respond to the following:

Debate It: Take a position for or against this statement: Government agencies should purpose to hire people from different ethnic, racial, and gender groups. Provide at least two reasons and examples to support your position.
Recommend at least two strategies for how your selected agency provides training and development to increase the knowledge, skills, and competencies of employees, especially at high levels.

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