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Tourism Event/Experience Concept Report

Your role – working with Townsville Enterprise

Tourism Event/Experience Report – (40% individual or in pairs)

Students should envisage themselves as tourism development and marketing consultants carrying out a project for the Destination Management Organisation – Townsville Enterprise. Students will be provided with data profiling visitors to the region, relevant tourism and event marketing strategy documents, and summary information on community needs. Based on an analysis of the information presented, students should prepare a Tourism Event/Experience Concept Report for Townsville NQ which should contain the following sections:

· Introduction to the destination and the role of tourism events and experiences in tourism destination development (2-3 pages)

· Indepth and concise summary of visitors to the region presented in appropriate table, graph and chart formats based on the data provided (min 6 pages).

· SWOT analysis of the destination based on a thorough review of existing tourism strategies for the region and an audit of existing local tourism events and experiences (3-4 pages).

· Identification of a tourism event/experience concept for the region that satisfies the following criteria (2-3 pages):

· Has a WOW factor that will attract new visitors to the region and/or encourage visitors to stay longer

· Is consistent with Townsville tourism DNA/brand and contributes to existing range of events and experiences in the region

· Builds on/leverages existing destination assets and infrastructure

· Makes a positive contribution and local community capital.

RelevRelevant Strategy Documents

to be used for the intro and audit sections of your report

1.Tel Product and Experience Development Plan pdf

2. High Res – Townsville Hero Experiences Fact Sheet pdf

3. Social Indicators 2017- TSV FINAL pdf


Townsville Destination Website

Data Files

Data from the live Townsville Regional Visitor Survey to be used for the Indepth and concise summary of visitors to the region section of your report

1. TRVS 2019 Generic Questions.docx

2. Copy of Survey Data 2020.xlsx

Presenting Data Activity

Using the results of the Townsville Regional Visitor Survey which have been provided in the excel file, please complete the following tasks:

1. Create a graph or chart which presents the gender breakdown of respondents in the Townsville event data

2. Create a graph or chart which shows the information sources used to find out about visiting Townsville

3. Create graph(s) which summarises expectations of and satisfaction with tourism experiences in Townsville NQ

4. Create graph(s) which summarise the importance of various destination attributes and respondent’s satisfaction with how Townsville performs on those attributes


Use (Survey Data 2020 with answer to 4 questions.xlsx)

Magnetic Island Case Study – Using evidence to make tourism planning and development decisions

This case study gives you an example of how to use and interpret data to inform decisions

Use ( using evidence in tourism planning and development.pptx)


Sample report format


Use (Final report for submission to Sealink[1].pdf)


Use this report, created for the Magnetic Island Project described in the above Case study as an example of how to present research data to industry.







Aligned subject learning outcomes · Critically evaluate the role and importance of destination management and marketing organisations in the sustainable development of competitive tourism destinations

· analyse the process and challenges associated with the development of destination management plans and strategies;

· appraise the multidimensional nature of destination competitiveness Convey information clearly and fluently, in high quality written form appropriate for the audience

Aligned professional standards/ competencies Problem Solving – Graduates will be able to apply cognitive skills to collect, analyse and synthesise information to develop solutions and evaluate outcomes
Weighting 40%



The aim of this assessment is to provide students with the opportunity to better understand the role and processes of destination management organisations by demonstrating the ability to analyse and present information to make informed destination development decisions.


Students should envisage themselves as tourism development and marketing consultants carrying out a project for the Destination Management Organisation – Townsville Enterprise. Students will be provided with data profiling visitors to the region, relevant tourism and event marketing strategy documents, and summary information on community needs. Based on an analysis of the information presented, students should prepare a Tourism Event/Experience Concept Report for Townsville NQ which should contain the following sections:

  1. Introduction to the destination and the role of tourism events and experiences in tourism destination development.
  2. Indepth and concise summary of visitors to the region presented in appropriate table, graph and chart formats based on the data provided.
  3. SWOT analysis of the destination based on a thorough review of existing tourism strategies for the region and an audit of existing local tourism events and experiences.
  4. Identification of a tourism event/experience concept for the region that satisfies the following criteria:
    1. Has a WOW factor that will attract new visitors to the region and/or encourage visitors to stay longer
    2. Is consistent with Townsville tourism DNA/brand and contributes to existing range of events and experiences in the region
    3. Builds on/leverages existing destination assets and infrastructure
    4. Makes a positive contribution and local community capital.


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