Thanks for the job for order ID -TTs260721_1111907_18Please can you have the same expert work on the following attached assignment? It’s about writing a policy brief of 2000 words? I would appreciate if the chosen organization for the policy brief can be of Australia and cover the following key areas:
1. Attracting the reader’s attention: Provide an executive summary, list of recommendations or similar to underline the importance of the brief2. Purpose: Outline the importance, timeliness and relevance of the issue covered in the brief3. Analysis: Discussion Provide a discussion of any relevant background or context4. Analysis: Strengths and weaknesses Outline the current policy, its strengths and weaknesses, and list alternative policies5. Analysis: Reasoning and consequences Provide reasoning for the policy change and any notable consequences of the change6. Recommendations Outline what needs to happen and who will be responsible7. References References are appropriate to the format and show wide research in the policy area8. Writing The writing is clear and concise9. Presentation The presentation is appropriate for the intended audience and fulfils the needs of the commissioning organisation
I have also attached PDF files to this mail including the assignment showing examples of policy briefs that contain the style of writing the professor is expecting, please the experts should use the same format wherever possible.

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