• Select a modern, presidential doctrine from the following list:
    • Truman Doctrine
    • Eisenhower Doctrine
    • Kennedy Doctrine
    • Johnson Doctrine
    • Nixon Doctrine
    • Ford Doctrine
    • Carter Doctrine
    • Reagan Doctrine
    • G.H.W. Bush Doctrine
    • Clinton Doctrine
    • G.W. Bush Doctrine
    • Obama Doctrine
    • Trump Doctrine
  • Provide a brief summary of the foreign policy doctrine.
    • Contrast this foreign policy doctrine with pre-WWII U.S. foreign policy.
  • Explain the historical circumstances that produced the foreign policy doctrine.
    • How did the Cold War or the War on Terror shape this foreign policy doctrine?
  • Provide a specific example when the foreign policy doctrine was utilized.
    • Analyze the short- and long-term result of this specific example.
  • Evaluate the foreign policy doctrine in terms of U.S. self-interest and America’s international reputation.

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