This Assessment has been designed to demonstrate your ability to apply the knowledge, skills and tools you are learning about quality to a project, and the importance of meeting customer needs. You are required to complete the following steps and present the results in the same order preceded by a short executive summary. Please use the ‘titles’ provided below for each step as the headings in your submission.


Step Title Knowledge/Skill Assessed Mark
1 Quality Management;

An Organisational Perspective

Understanding success in an organisation 4



  • Provide a brief description of a past or present organisation (you have worked for) that creates products or services by delivering projects. Provide an organisational context, by advising of its: size (employees; revenue; geographical location); and its main purpose. Avoid ‘cutting and pasting’ information from marketing brochures. Alternatively, visit the Boeing website and research the creation of the Boeing 747 (as a project) to respond to the following steps of this assessment.
  • From your perspective, as a project manager in that organisation, identify two critical success factors (CSF) for the organisation and two key performance indicators (KPI) for each CSF in line with the organisation’s vision and


Step Title Knowledge/Skill Assessed Mark
2 Project Definition The ability to differentiate projects from ongoing operational work 4


Task: Describe a project, which has or is about to be, delivered by the organisation presented in Step 1. The following must be provided in your definition as a minimum:

  • A brief scope statement (the focus must be on the product of the project)
  • High level project objectives from the perspective of the above organisation



Important notes:

  • Operational work is not You must be able to distinguish projects from operational work with your current knowledge of project management. Selecting operational work will immediately disqualify the submission.
    • Please speak to your lecturer if you seek assistance with selecting your
  • You can also refer to PMBoK Guide 6th edition for definitions/project


Step Title Knowledge/Skill Assessed Mark
3 Customer and Supplier Identification The ability to identify the customer and suppliers 4


Task: Identify and briefly introduce the customer of the project. List the departments and their functions in the organisation. Identify two departments/functions in your organisation considered internal suppliers to your project. And those departments critical to the success of your project. Briefly explain your interface with those suppliers.


Step Title Knowledge/Skill Assessed Mark
4 Product Definition Understanding the interim and final products/deliverables 4


Task: Identify the final product/deliverable and 4 interim products/deliverables for the project. Provide a short description for each.


Step Title Knowledge/Skill Assessed Mark



Elicit and Establish Customer Requirements

–  The ability to identify and record the requirements and understanding their importance for quality management

–  Academic research capability





  • Carry out a literature study on ‘requirement collection,’ recording and tracking in a project context. Present a summary to a maximum of 400 words.
  • From the information obtained in your literature study, explain your methodology to elicit product requirements specific to this project and customer.
  • List five requirements you have established for the final product from the customer. Out of those five requirements, three must be the requirements clearly stipulated by your customer. You need to come up with two requirements that were implied (not explicitly specified) and you have managed to establish. Explain your method of obtaining and verifying the implied and unstated
  • From the information obtained in your literature study, explain how you document and trace the


Step Title Knowledge/Skill Assessed Mark


Quality Planning

Define Metrics and Acceptance Criteria

–  Understanding metrics and measurement in project quality management

–  Academic research capability





  • Carry out a literature study on metrics in the context of project quality management (product-oriented). Present a summary in a maximum of 400
  • From the information obtained in your literature study, list at least one metric per requirement. The metrics will be used to assess the degree to which the requirements have been
  • Define the acceptance criteria for each


Step Title Knowledge/Skill Assessed Mark




Quality Planning

Establish the Quality Effort and Cost of Quality

–  Understanding cost of conformance and non-conformance

–  Process analysis

–  Application of quality management tools

–  Academic research capability






  • Carry out a literature study on cost of quality. Present a summary in a maximum of 400
  • From the information obtained in your literature study, create a process cost model for one of the processes leading to an interim/final deliverable.
  • Allocate activities as cost of conformance (COC) or cost of non-conformance (CONC)
  • Calculate and present the
  • Elaborate on the decisions you would make for prioritising any actions from your


Step Title Knowledge/Skill Assessed Mark



Quality Assurance

–  Understanding quality assurance and its difference with quality control

–  Application of quality management tools





  • Define Quality Assurance and select three requirements out of the five identified in Step 5. Demonstrate how the project team ensure they can fulfil those
  • Identify and elaborate on at least one preventive
  • Briefly describe the relationship between Quality Management, TQM and Quality Assurance (QA), and their application.


Step Title Knowledge/Skill Assessed Mark



Quality Control

–  Differentiating inspection from quality control

–  Application of quality management tools





  • Define Quality Control and specify/justify what measurements will be taken during quality control for at least two interim
  • Identify and elaborate on at least one corrective


  • Briefly describe three of quality tools used for Quality Control (QC). Apply at least one of the quality tools from your research to demonstrate how QC is applied and varies from QA for your project in Step 4.


Step Title Knowledge/Skill Assessed Mark




–  Understanding modern approaches to quality management in project context

–  Critical thinking and analysis




Task: Reflect on how you believe the following can be achieved in projects:


“Designing customer satisfaction into the product of a project”

Use of References


As a guide for each literature study (refer steps 1, and 5 to 7), cite at least seven (7) substantial peer reviewed articles from authoritative sources i.e. books, journals, scholarly data bases etc.


Formatting Requirements


  • Word count: 3000 – 4000
  • The actual word count shall appear below the Table of Contents.
  • The following parts will not be considered in the word All other parts (including appendices and tables) will be counted.
    • Table of contents
    • References
    • Appendices
  • Submissions over the word limit will not be marked. The paper will be returned to the student to reduce the word count and resubmit within 24 hours. Failing to comply with this requirement will result in the submission to be
  • No text can be submitted as an image. Inserting text as images is not acceptable and could be an attempt to hide plagiarism.  If you are experiencing issues with formatting in MS Word, please submit your MS Word file in TurnitIn.
  • Page size: A4
  • Heading and Sub-headings numbered (Bold but no underlining)
  • Page numbering
  • No indented paragraphs
  • Line spacing: 5
  • Font size: 11
  • Font style: Calibri
  • Margins: standard
  • File format: provide the MS Word file (not PDF)

Your report must be presented in a professional manner to receive marks allocated to professional presentation (above).

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