Project Networking provides the necessary tools to monitor project progress. Considerable time and effort is expended developing successful project networks.

Refer to exercise 9 in chapter 6 of the textbook. Read the assignment thoroughly and analyze the data provided in the diagram.

Compute the project network sequence and proper timing to complete the project using an excel spreadsheet, PowerPoint, or another appropriate form of delivery method. Address all required information in the description presented in exercise 9. In addition, respond to the following questions (300-500 words):

  1. Provide the Early Start, Early Finish, Late Start, and Late Finish times for each activity. Compute the Total Slack for each activity. Determine which activities are on the critical path. How long will it take to complete the project?
  2. An activity that is on the critical path for this project has increased by 7.  Will the project end date be delayed? If so, by how much?

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite, unless otherwise directed by your instructor. If so directed, refer to the Student Success Center for directions. Only Word documents can be submitted to LopesWrite.

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