Assessment #1 – Essay (Graded)

Value: 15%
Length: 900 words


Project management is a complex process.  Discuss this statement in the context of the three major variables, within an organisation, which may influence effective project management.

A  minimum of six suitable  (maximum 12) references are expected. 

Marking guide

Marks will be awarded for:

  1. Relevance of your answer to the question.
  2. Originality and creative thought.
  3. Research up-to-date with topic.
  4. Clarity of expression.
  5. Supporting documentation for arguments.
  6. Correct documentation and use of at least six references including journal articles (Harvard Referencing system within context –
  7. Logical planning and sequence.
  8. Use of inclusive language.
  9. Overall presentation, including correct grammar, spelling and punctuation.
  10. Comprehensive coverage reflecting engagement with set readings, texts and other relevant materials.

Assignment 1 must be submitted electronically via learnonline.

Make sure you have at least 6 references.  Your text can be one reference.  If you are “stuck” for references look at the back of Chapter two for other references and search from there.


UNISA library has a number of electronic journals eg:

International Journal of  Project Management

Journal of Project Management

 Aim for journal articles since 2005 but one or two older references is ok.


You will find the core concept for the three major variables in Chapter 2 of your text, Topic 2.

 Good essays follow a structure:

Consider the “argument” … project management is COMPLEX- do you agree or disagree with this “argument”- you need to focus your whole essay on supporting (or not) this argument.   You must refer to the three variables within an organisation to do this.


In your INTRODUCTION you should introduce your argument and the three variables


Each BODY paragraph should use an example to demonstrate your argument.  You should “show off” your reading by using references.  A rule of thumb is a reference @ every 150 words in body and every paragraph in the body must have at least one reference in it.  It should be clear to the reader that you are addressing the  “complex” argument in each paragraph.

 Your CONCLUSION will summarise your argument and confirm some of your supporting “evidence”.


Ideally you may be able to give some examples of some real projects that have been complex and apply the theory (variables) to why this project was considered “complex”.


An essay this short is unlikely to have headings. 


Have a good look at the feedback sheet which provides the marking critiera.


If you want more on essays this is a useful site (especially if your program major has meant that you have not had to write many!- don’t worry if you focus on justifying your argument you will be fine).

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