Principles of Programming Language


Consider the following finite state automaton (Scott, 2016), which recognizes the language that

consisting of digits with a single decimal point,

Formally, a Deterministic Finite Automaton (FDA) is as quadruple over an alphabet ,

= ⟨, , , ⟩

where is a set of states, ∈ is an initial state, is a set of final states, and  is a transition

function from a current state and input symbol to a next state, : × Σ → . For example, the

automaton depicted above is defined as,

= {1, 2, 3, 4}

= 1

= {4} = {⟨1, , 2⟩, ⟨1, . , 3⟩, ⟨2, , 2⟩, ⟨2, . , 4⟩, ⟨3, , 4⟩, ⟨4, , 4⟩}

Where Σ = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} and ∈ Σ. Hence, in  above, we should have defined,

⟨1, 0, 2⟩, ⟨1, 1, 2⟩, ⟨1, 2, 2⟩ …

Functional Requirements:

1. Create a C language program that can be used to construct any arbitrary Deterministic

Finite Automaton corresponding to the FDA definition above.

a. Create structs for the: automaton, a state, and a transition. For example, the automaton

should have a “states” field, which captures its set of states as a linked list.

2. Prompt the user and ask whether the would like to create a new DFA, by entering its

states, the initial state, its final states, and its transitions (one at a time) of load an

existing DFA from a file. Prompt the user for a file name and save newly created DFAs

to this file. For example, you should be able to create and save the DFA example above.

3. Prompt the user for an input strings, until they decide to quit, and use the DFA from

Step 2 to determine whether the user’s string is accepted by the DFA or not. Output this

result. Recall, an input string is accepted, if beginning in the initial DFA state, the input

transitions to a final state in the DFA, and no additional input is left.

4. Your program should be modular and minimally include functions for creating a new

DFA, loading an existing DFA, and executing the DFA on the user’s input string.

Non-Functional Requirements

1. Analyze each of the function in your program, including the main() function. For each function give the Big-Oh complexity function that captures the complexity of the DFA. What is the complexity class of this function (e.g. O(1), O(log n), O(n), O(n2), etc.?

2. Your program must demonstrate the use of C pointers, structs, malloc, sizeof, free printf, scanf, fscan, macro constants (e.g. #define), typedef. It must also demonstrate function calling and include a function prototype. Use an array to implement the “list” of states in the DFA, but use a linked list to implement the “list” of transitions in the DFA. You may assume the DFA will no more than 25 states.

3. Your program must compile and execute. Comment out and document for the faculty any problematic statements prior to submission.

4. Appropriately document your code using comments (minimally the program and each of the functions).

5. Implement this assignment in a single C file that executes using DevC++.

6. Your program must be your own individual work.

This is strictly a C program (vs. C++). Additionally, do not use any predefined data

structures when implementing the DFA (i.e.. create your own structs, linked lists, etc.)


Submit your DevC++ source file <yourName_Assignment_2> to the Assignment 2 Dropbox in

the Worldclass course shell associated with your current CS390 Section. (Although you will not

earn points for testing, you should appropriately test your code for all requirements since you

may not earn points, if it doesn’t meet all the requirements.).

CS 390 Principles of Programming Languages

Assignment 2 Rubric

Assignment 2 DFA C program design, implementation, and analysis

Assignment Exemplary Advanced Proficient Not Demonstrated

or Major Issues

DFA Definition All structs appropriately



I/O Program Input and Output

appropriately defined


C Constructs All C constructs appropriately

demonstrated (pointers, struct,

malloc, sizeof, printf,

functions, prototypes)

Most C constructs

appropriately demonstrated

20 – 16 15

Execution and Program executes correctly for

all DFA test cases

Program executes correctly for

most DFA test cases

Program executes correctly

for the given DFA

30 – 21 20 – 16 15

Analysis Correct Big-Oh Analysis Reasonable Big-Oh analysis

10 – 6 5 – 1

Deductions Submitted on time

Appropriately commented

Executes using DevC++

Inappropriate comments 1-10%

Compiles correctly

3% deducted per day late Not submitted within

six days of due date

or does not compile

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